News List
Tuesday, February, 14th 2012
- 11:47:36Moody's Downgrades Six Eurozone Sovereigns; Cuts France, UK Outlook
- 11:28:24Daily Trading of Ukrainian Agricultural Companies' Shares on International Stock Markets (13.02.2012, closing)
Monday, February, 13th 2012
- 18:00:23Obama budget to project $901 billion deficit in fiscal 2013
- 17:56:57Greek Default Worse than Belt-Tightening – EU
- 16:43:26OECD sees signs of economic turnaround
- 16:30:05Ukraine. GDP rate will be supported by currency stability in 2012 - analyst
- 16:28:36 Antimonopoly committee allows Glencore International buying PJSC Kolos
- 14:44:10Wheat prices – CME (CBOT)
- 14:43:38Corn prices – CME (CBOT)
- 14:43:08Soybeans prices – CME (CBOT)
- 14:39:29S. Korea prepares for trade talks with Vietnam
- 12:40:04Japan Q4 GDP drops 0.6% on quarter
- 12:25:27S&P downgrades 34 Italian banks
- 12:19:09Brazil farmer turns tables by seeking land abroad
- 12:03:08Daily Trading of Ukrainian Agricultural Companies' Shares on International Stock Markets (10.02.2012, closing)
- 11:35:36Ukraine. 3.5 million hectares of winter crops must be reseeded - Premier
- 11:34:27State budget revenues from agroindustrial complex reach UAH 40.1 billion in 2011 - Agrarian Policy and Food Ministry
Friday, February, 10th 2012
- 16:57:21Chinese trade figures raise the alarm for global economy
- 16:45:04Eurozone postpones Greece bailout
- 16:37:07Stocks of Ukrainian agrarian companies become very popular in world
- 16:34:19Kudrin Sees Eurozone Crisis Continuing 2-3 Yrs
- 16:28:05Australian central bank cuts growth forecasts
- 14:49:55Ukraine. Agriculture Ministry asks grain traders to refrain from wheat exports
- 14:46:30Ukraine, Latvia sign program of economic cooperation until 2013
- 13:35:14Ukraine to see 3%-3.5% GDP growth in 2012 - experts