News List
Wednesday, May, 29th 2013
- 17:22:24EU imposes duties on Argentine biodiesel
- 15:01:35Sugar prices on world markets
- 15:00:44Soybeans prices – CME (CBOT)
- 14:59:27Ukrainian Agrarian Index: Ovostar Union will produce fertilizers, Alpcot Agro will not pay out dividends, UAIndex indicated growth, 29.05.2013
- 14:58:49Corn prices – CME (CBOT)
- 14:58:15On May, 28 after the trading session the price of July BSW futures amounted to USD 299.0
- 14:57:34Wheat prices – CME (CBOT)
- 14:42:01OECD lowers global growth forecast
- 12:51:58Alpcot Agro is being renamed into “Agrokultura”
- 12:47:35Ovostar Union is considering fertilizer production
- 12:44:36IMF cuts China growth outlook; calls for decisive reforms
- 11:19:12Ukraine. Grain exports to stay under mild control
- 11:17:30Sugar prices on world markets
- 10:36:21Daily Trading of Ukrainian Agricultural Companies' Shares on International Stock Markets (28.05.2013, closing)
- 10:32:20PhosAgro Q1 net profit down 59% to $108 mln on lower prices
- 10:00:04Oil prices rise on upbeat US economic data
- 09:44:49Global grain outlook good despite EU fall
Tuesday, May, 28th 2013
- 17:07:04Belarus’ government assigns export growth targets
- 17:06:09World Bank to provide $90m for new energy saving project in Belarus
- 15:20:07Ukraine gained by selling at the world markets $ 22 billion since start of year
- 15:19:17Ukraine’s grain exports increased by 11.2%
- 15:18:06Ukrainian Agrarian Index: Grain exports rose by 11.2% in Ukraine, UAIndex indicated growth, 28.05.2013
- 12:34:54HSBC sells first yuan bonds in Singapore
- 12:30:06Japan retains status as top creditor nation
- 12:22:17Oil prices –ICE
- 12:16:48Countries to lose 1-2% of GDP due to eurozone crisis - Strauss-Kahn
- 12:12:06Argentina and Brazil ‘fear’ a greater integration with China, says Mujica
- 10:53:53Daily Trading of Ukrainian Agricultural Companies' Shares on International Stock Markets (27.05.2013, closing)
- 09:37:15Mexican economic recovery dragged down by industry and agriculture
Monday, May, 27th 2013
- 16:49:43Czech President calls for merger of Warsaw, Prague bourses
- 16:48:29Crisis scares away investors
- 15:33:24China to build $5B city and industrial park in Belarus
- 15:32:25Qatar to invest serious funds in Bulgaria's sheep breeding
- 15:31:38Turkey, Azerbaijan to sign free trade agreement: Economy Minister ?aglayan
- 15:30:32Number of exchange contracts twofold up in January-April 2013 - National Securities and Stock Market Commission
- 15:29:44Ovostar Union will finish construction of elevator and slaughter house
- 15:29:11Soybeans prices – CME (CBOT)
- 15:27:49Ukrainian Agrarian Index: Ovostar Union is finishing construction of elevator, index capitalization declined, 24.05.2013
- 15:27:11Corn prices – CME (CBOT)
- 15:26:24Update on Romanian Agriculture
- 15:25:26Wheat prices – CME (CBOT)
- 15:24:52On May, 24 after the trading session the price of July BSW futures amounted to USD 299.00
- 11:48:01Ethanol Prices - CME (CBOT)
- 11:47:12Oil prices – NYMEX, ICE
- 11:40:54Brazil cancels 900 million dollars of African countries debt
- 11:33:47CCB invests $100m in VTB Bank's new shares on offer
- 11:33:01Brazil’s April current account deficit a new record pushed by negative trade balance
- 11:26:01Chinese investment in Germany to keep its fast growth
- 11:19:31China's industrial profit growth improves in April
- 10:19:07Daily Trading of Ukrainian Agricultural Companies' Shares on International Stock Markets (24.05.2013, closing)