News List
Monday, July, 15th 2013
- 10:38:22Europe 'stands to lose' in trade war
- 10:35:21Credit growth to slow in Asia
- 10:31:11China. Central bank releases first half-year figures
- 10:12:21Prices per share of Ukrainian Agrarian Holdings on foreign stock exchanges, 12.07.2013
- 10:09:55Prysiazhniuk: Ukraine to harvest over 30 million tons of early grain crops
- 10:08:38Ukraine, Russia discuss creation of grain pool
Friday, July, 12th 2013
- 17:14:44World markets climb to new highs after US Fed confirms current stimulus policy
- 17:12:57World banks lining up submissions for the nationalized 39% holding in Lloyds
- 17:11:55Argentina: private estimates’ June inflation reached 1.93% and 23.78% in twelve months
- 12:19:59Ukrainian Agrarian Index: U.S. Ministry of Agriculture lowered oilseed crop forecast in Ukraine, index capitalization declined, 12.07.2013
- 11:52:08Moody's downgrades Spain's Liberbank
- 11:51:06Dow, S&P set record closing highs on Bernanke stimulus reassurance
- 11:49:46Singapore's Q2 GDP growth up 3.7 pct
- 11:36:37S&P maintains Germany's 'AAA' rating
- 11:14:39Prices per share of Ukrainian Agrarian Holdings on foreign stock exchanges, 11.07.2013
- 11:09:42Ukraine. Farmers harvest over 13.3 million tons of grain - Agriculture Ministry
Thursday, July, 11th 2013
- 16:58:06China’s June fall in exports and imports anticipate grim outlook for world trade
- 16:57:01IMF: US pull-back from stimulus could trigger reversal in capital flows and hurt developing countries
- 16:53:36EU to invest billions in regional development for 2014-2020
- 16:46:36S.Korean central bank revises up 2013 growth outlook to 2.8 pct
- 16:45:30Global economy to grow at below-trend rate in 2013, more tailwinds in US
- 15:49:51Soybeans prices – CME (CBOT)
- 15:44:36Ukrainian Agrarian Index: Agroton holding shares were claimed by its direct owner, UAIndex indicated growth, 11.07.2013
- 15:38:19Corn prices – CME (CBOT)
- 15:37:08Agroton owner claimed 51% of company’s shares