MARS: Wheat yield in Ukraine in 2011 may reach 2.82 t/ha
2011-06-16 16:08:59
Experts believe that the wheat yield in Ukraine in 2011 could be 3.2% lower the average figure reported in the last five years and reach 2.82 tons per hectare, according to a review by the EU's Monitoring Agricultural ResourceS (MARS) Unit.
In May 2011, the unit expected that the wheat yield in Ukraine would exceed the average figure by 0.3%, to 2.91 t/ha.
The barley yield forecast for Ukraine was reduced from 2.26 t/ha to 2.23 t/ha.
The review notes that Ukraine received worrying low precipitations, whereas a surplus was recorded for Greece and Italy (Sicily and Apulia), as well as Romania and Austria. Temperatures accumulated since May 10 are slightly above the long-term average for eastern Germany, the Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, Poland, Baltic countries, Sweden, Finland and Ukraine.
The average wheat yield forecast for the EU countries is 5.21 t/ha, or 1% less than the average yield for the last five years. The largest yield is expected in Ireland - 9.01 t/ha.
Earlier, the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) improved its forecast for the grain harvest in Ukraine in the 2011/12 marketing season to 44 million tones