UAIndex. Changes of Ukrainian agro holdings quotations on World Stock Exchanges, May 18, 2011
2011-05-19 18:00:14
On Wednesday, the May 18, UAIndex keeps its growth for the 4th session in row. Despite the falling of most agroholdings’ shares the Index growth became possible due to rising shares of Kernel, Astarta, Agroton and MCB Agricole.
Ukrzernoprom Agro being the daughter company of MCB Agricole in 2011 increased the spring crops’ area by 10% to 33 th ha. According to Ukrzernoprom Agro, in 2010 spring area totaled more than 30 th ha. Besides that the company seeded winter crops on the area of 51 th ha.
The main kind of activity of Ukrzernoprom Agro is the growing and selling of agrarian production mainly wheat and rapeseed as well as barley, sunseed, corn and rye. The company is conducting its business in 12 regions of Ukraine.
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