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«AgroInvest» — News — Black Sea region: New factors in grain pricing, - UkrAgroConsult's expert

Black Sea region: New factors in grain pricing, - UkrAgroConsult's expert

2014-04-03 15:32:59

In 2013/14 grain market of the Black Sea region is characterized by large volume of exports in the first half of the season, which is slightly less compared to the record 2011/12, as well as by high price volatility.

Market behavior and pricing throughout the season, in addition to global factors, were highly determined by domestic market. Among domestic factors are susbstantial changes in location of grain reserves, grain quality and currency devaluation.

In a bigger detail factors impacting grain market of the Black Sea region will be analyzed by Elena Loshkareva, Grain Market Analyst, UkrAgroConsult at the XI International Conference “Black Sea Grain-2014”.Presentation will take place on April,9 within the 1st Discussion Panel "Volatility Rock: Key Drivers of Ukrainian Agriculture".


XI International Conference “Black Sea Grain: Expanding Horizons” will take place on April 9-10, 2014 in Intercontinental Hotel, Kiev, Ukraine. Organizer – consulting agency “UkrAgroConsult”.


Conference Agenda 

Conference Registration

