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«AgroInvest» — News — Ukraine can get $8 bln in Russian investment per year - Muntiyan

Ukraine can get $8 bln in Russian investment per year - Muntiyan

2014-01-14 10:49:58

Ukraine can receive up to $8 billion per year as Russian investment in the implementation of projects in priority economic branches, the Ukrainian government's commissioner for cooperation with Russia, the participating states of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Eurasian Economic Community and other regional unions, Valery Muntiyan, has said.

"It's very important for us, because Ukraine can receive up to eight billion dollars as investment from Russia per year. These are the funds for the implementation of advanced projects in priority sectors. This will help us preserve highly qualified staff, maximally load our production capacities, as well as preserve and strengthen cooperative relations," Muntiyan said.

The issue concerns joint infrastructure and industrial projects in the priority sectors of the economy as part of the interstate program for the innovative development of cooperation between the CIS participating states for the period until 2020. The decision to intensify efforts on their implementation was taken at the sixth meeting of the Ukrainian-Russian interstate commission.

"The issue concerns 23 major projects in basic economic branches, first and foremost, aircraft construction, engine construction, nuclear energy, space, shipbuilding, transport sector, agricultural machinery, the modernization of the gas transportation system, and communications. They have already been agreed, and their total volume is about 56.4 billion U.S. dollars (the preliminary cost of the projects)," Muntiyan said.

He said that this year the sides would proceed to the implementation of some projects on which the documents are fully ready and all the necessary negotiations have been held.

