Net inflow of direct foreign investments USD 320 million in August - NBU
2013-10-01 16:44:26
Net inflow (balance) of direct foreign investments made up USD 320 million in August 2013.
Data of the National Bank of Ukraine prove that.
“Net inflow of direct foreign investments made up USD 320 million in August 2013 and almost total investment volume was sent to the real sector,” the regulator's analytical note reads.
As distinct from the two previous months, balance on credits and bonds was positive - USD 413 million. Volumes of new revenues on credits and bonds exceeded the level of current payments both in the real and banking sectors: net investment of the real sector amounted to USD 424 million, the banking sector - USD 132 million.
In August 2013, growth of cash currency outside banks made up USD 533 million, which is 28.7% less against August 2012. In total, over eight months, thanks to preservation of the rate stability, growth of cash currency outside banks reduced 2.8 fold to USD 1.1 billion against the previous year.