Bleyzer Foundation forecasts Ukraine's GDP 0.5% up this year
2013-09-26 16:43:53
The International Bleyzer Foundation forecasts 0.5% of Ukraine's GDP growth by results of 2013.
This forecast was made public by the Executive Director of the International Bleyzer Foundation during a round table in Kyiv, a Ukrinform correspondent reports.
"Our official forecast, which we make for this year - economy growth will be in the positive zone this year and will make up from 0% to 0.5%," Ustenko has said.
According to the economist, over eight months of this year, agriculture showed unprecedented for Ukraine growth at 13.3%, having considerably exceeded the expert forecasts. This growth ensured 1.3% of additional GDP growth in agriculture.
"Unfortunately, this cannot compensate reduction on all other economy sectors," Ustenko noted.
He also said that the Bleyzer Foundation expects growth of Ukraine's economy in 2014 at the level of 3%.
According to the Foundation's Executive Director, this forecast is based on the situation of September 2013 and does not take into account the emergence of new barriers in trade relations with the Customs Union, as well as sharp filling of the Ukrainian market with imported goods from the EU. At the same time, it is expected that an inflow of direct foreign investments to Ukraine will grow by 20% at the minimum on the backdrop of positive news about signing of the Association Agreement, however, without taking into consideration the fact that half of direct foreign investments come to Ukraine via different channels from the territory of the Russian Federation.
According to the Bleyzer Foundation forecast, under condition that GDP will grow by 3% in 2014, Ukraine's economy will reach the pre-crisis level of 2008 only by the end of 2015.