Belarus’ government assigns export growth targets
2013-05-28 17:07:04
The Belarusian Government has assigned the 2013 export growth targets for the Information Ministry, the National Academy of Sciences and Belcoopsoyuz. The decision is spelled out in Resolution No.420 of the Council of Ministers of 24 May 2013, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian government.
The document introduces amendments and additions to Resolution No.1021 of the Council of Ministers dated 6 November 2012 "Social and economic development forecast of the Republic of Belarus for 2013". The document sets out the export growth targets for Information Ministry (25% as against 2012), the National Academy of Sciences (53% growth for merchandize and 30% for services), Belcoopsoyuz (17.2%). The National Academy of Sciences has been assigned the target for the balance of foreign trade in goods and services.
Resolution No. 420 raised the foreign trade growth forecasts for some agencies. For example, the target of the foreign trade balance in services for the Health Ministry was increased from $11 million up to $13 million, for the Education Ministry from $10 million up to $18 million. The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus is expected to have a trade surplus in services of $11 million in 2013.
The target "Ratio of merchandise exports and industrial output in percent” has been revised upward too. The target for the Industry Ministry was raised from 69% to 70%, for the Construction and Architecture Ministry from 37% to 37.5%. The projection has been revised upward for Bellegprom and Belneftekhim.
The projections regarding the nominal average monthly wages in rubles across the country, by regions and the city of Minsk have been upgraded.
Resolution No. 420 comes into force from the day of its official publication and applies to the relations arising from 1 January 2013.