From beginning of 2012/2013 marketing year Ukraine increased grain export by 5 mln tons
2013-03-11 14:39:54
From the beginning of 2012/2013 marketing year 18.2 mln tons of grain crops were supplied to the foreign markets. It is by 5 mln tons more than over the analogous period of the previous marketing period. Top positions in export volumes are still taken by corn with almost 10 million tons sold abroad. This was informed by the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food Mykola Prysyazhniuk.
According to the Minister, Ukraine continues maintaining stable growth of grain crops export which will enable to completely realize the forecast export amount.
“Regarding the grain export, we are going to pass 2012/2013 marketing year sustainably and expecting that overall export will make up 23 million tons. By now agrarians have already supplied 18.2 million tons of grain to the foreign markets. It is by 5 million tons more than over the analogous period of last marketing year. In particular, as of March 5 the agriculture producers exported 9.7 million tons of corn, almost 6.2 million tons of wheat and 2 million tons of barley,” Mykola Prysyazhniuk told.
The head of the department emphasized positive tendencies existing as the geography of export of the national grain crops is being enlarged.
“Concerning the export geography, I wish to stress that this marketing year 7.7 million tons of national grain has been exported to the European countries. Besides, by now Ukraine is a leader in supplies with corn to England. It is very important for us,” Mykola Prysyazhniuk added.
The minister also emphasized that an issue of food security of the country remains crucial, so the department is constantly working at maintaining optimal balances of grain crops. Mykola Prysyazhniuk explained that nowadays general proposition of grain completely satisfies the internal need.