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«AgroInvest» — News — MCB Agricole was excluded from UAIndex

MCB Agricole was excluded from UAIndex

2013-02-25 16:10:45

According to the official information confirmed by Frankfurt Stock Exchange, company is no longer traded on stock exchange, although no details were revealed regarding delisting of the company, MCB Agricole is no longer accounted for by Ukrainian Agrarian Index. Due to recalculation of total capitalization figure as well as price per share value of UAIndex, removal of the company will have slight impact on values presented within the index. Please make sure to account for that when referencing the value.

AgroInvest comment: There was no information available regarding company trading since December, 2012, however since there was no official announcement, value for the last trading date was used for calculation. It was until recently it became known that companies within MCB Agricole Group in Ukraine were being sold out.

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