Moldova blames Ukraine for breaching obligations within WTO
2013-02-04 16:04:51
Moldova is ready to consider trade disputes with Ukraine in the framework of the World Trade Organization (WTO), because it has not kept its word and has not liquidated in 2013 a discriminatory taxation of the Moldovan divin, according to the Kommersant-Ukraine edition.
"Kommersant has got a copy of a letter of Moldova's Deputy Prime Minister/Minister of Economy Valeriu Lazar of January 18, addressed to Ukrainian Minister of Economic Development and Trade Ihor Prasolov, which states that Ukraine has failed to fulfill a decision of the mixed Moldovan-Ukrainian intergovernmental commission for cooperation in economy and trade," said the publication.
The letter recalls Ukraine's commitment "to take until 1 January 2013 all measures to bring its excise taxes on alcoholic beverages in compliance with obligations under the WTO."
"The WTO Secretariat was informed of the temporary suspension of the process, provided the issue is settled at the bilateral level," says Lazar. The letter states that the agreements had been violated.