Agricultural production volumes declined by 4.5% in Ukraine during 2012
2013-01-16 17:58:23
According to the information released by Government Statistics Service there has been a decline in production of agricultural commodities by 4.5% compared to 2011 volumes. Agricultural businesses have shrunk their production by 6.5% and households decreased production volumes by 2.5%. Agricultural crop production index decreased by 8.2%, including decrease of 10.1% for agricultural companies, and 4.6% decrease for households. Animal production index increased by 3.8% with a 7.6% increase for companies and 1.2% increase for households.
AgroInvest comment: Decrease of production volumes for Ukraine in terms of crop volume is explained by the record harvest in 2011, yet draught in 2012 that caused decrease of production volume. UAIndex has indicated decline most likely due to these statistics.
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