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«AgroInvest» — News — Belarus’ accession to WTO discussed in Minsk

Belarus’ accession to WTO discussed in Minsk

2013-01-15 10:11:09

Deputy Economy Minister of Belarus Anton Kudasov has met with US Charge d’Affaires Ethan Goldrich to discuss Belarus’ accession to the World Trade Organization, BelTA learnt from the Economy Ministry of Belarus.

Top on the agenda of the meeting was also Belarus’ accession to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. “This would allow Belarus to use the international legal framework to combat illegal business and to implement international technical aid agreements. Belarus would also be able to study international practices of improving business climate and enhancing investment appeal,” the Economy Ministry informed.

Anton Kudasov and Ethan Goldrich also discussed bilateral economic cooperation, development of small and medium-sized entrepreneurship in Belarus and implementation of international technical aid programs. The parties considered a possibility of updating the legal framework of the bilateral cooperation.


