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«AgroInvest» — News — Belarus economy steadily growing

Belarus economy steadily growing

2012-11-16 15:55:16

The Belarus economy demonstrates a real and stable economic growth, Prime Minister of Belarus Mr Mikhail Myasnikovich told media at the Belarus Investment Forum on 16 November.

According to Mikhail Myasnikovich, although the GDP growth rate is small for now, it is precious because it represents a real economic growth. “This year we have to secure a rehabilitation of the economy. The steady economic growth, the real economy growth is the key value,” stressed the head of government. He specified that there are issues regarding calculation methods. Last year Belarus had a high inflation. An inflation rate of 20% is expected this year. It affects the objective evaluation of the gross regional product and the gross domestic product of the country.

Mikhail Myasnikovich urged to look at the key components. Earnings of Belarusians in rubles and US dollars are rising, the purchasing power of the population is rising, and the production sector and the agriculture operate steadily.

Mikhail Myasnikovich admitted that the civil engineering industry lags a bit behind, the construction volumes are lower. “It is so not because we don’t need anything built but because we want it built for real money instead of soap bubbles. We want it built at the expense of real investments, domestic and foreign ones alike,” he said.

Therefore the government plans to enable decent living standards, all the state budget appropriations for the social sphere. “We have no underfinanced articles of expenditure. We steadily fasten the balance reached in 2011. I think that 2012 and 2013 will be the years of good prospects and vigorous growth taking into account that the Belarusian economy will be developing on steady pillars,” concluded the Prime Minister.


