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«AgroInvest» — News — Ukraine rules out grain export quotas - Prysiazhniuk

Ukraine rules out grain export quotas - Prysiazhniuk

2012-09-21 16:22:08

The Agrarian Policy and Food Minister of Ukraine rules out quotas for Ukrainian grain export.

Mykola Prysiazhniuk has said about this in Washington, the Latifundist website informs about this.

"Today, we have 25% of the internal need in grain in the intervention fund. This is completely enough in order to ensure the country's food security," the official noted.

According to him, such need is not observed now.

Prysiazhniuk stressed that as distinct from the current situation in 2010, when quotas were introduced the state had not enough grain in the intervention fund.

The state is ready to ensure the food security not by restrictive, but purely market methods, the Ukrainian Minister emphasized.


