Brazilian experience of commodity credits. Is it relevant for Ukraine?
2012-09-20 11:30:50
With the decline in bank lending the farmers are forced to look for alternative methods of financing the business. More and more attention is paid to commodity credts, which aresuccessfully used in Brazil. Is Brazilian experience of commodity lending relevant for Ukraine?
On November 8, during the "Agricultural Investment – 2012" conference David Marco Telio (Trader Finance Risk Manager in Syngenta Brazil) will give a report "Commodity credits: Experience of Brazil. Is it relevant for Ukraine?".
"Growers need a process of legal structure to strengthen its credibility with all partners involved in order to capture the opportunities of commodity market and harvest financing," - says David Marco Telio.
David Telio is responsible for developing and implementing Financial Solutions and focus on innovating strategic tools to mitigate the credit risk. He has a big experience in lending and trade financing in banks, trade finance in agricultural engineering in the U.S., financial management in agricultural engineering in Brazil.
5th Annual International Conference "Agricultural Investments - 2012" will be held on November 8, 2012 in Kiev at the "President Hotel". The conference is organized by the Commodity market analyst "UkrAgroConsult."
More details about the Conference here