Only Kyrgyzstan experiences economic downturn among CIS for H1 2012
2012-08-13 16:35:44
According to the CIS Interstate Statistics Committee, only Kyrgyzstan experiences economic downturn among CIS member states in the first half of 2012. Thus, Kyrgyzstan GDP decreased by 5.6%, reported Tazabek.
The highest economic growth was observed in Tajikistan - 7.4%. The economic growth of Turkmenistan was at 10.5% rate in Q1 2012, says the Statistics Committee.
The decline in production was observed in Azerbaijan (-3%), Kyrgyzstan (-31.6%), Moldova (-0.4%).
Most investments in fixed capital were made in the first half 2012 in Azerbaijan with an increase of 29.6%. Kyrgyzstan also experienced 10.2% growth.
In terms of cargoes transportation, Kazakhstan is ranked first. In the first half 2012, cargoes transportation growth in Kazakhstan amounted to 20.4%.