Argentines inflation expectations for the next 12 months in July climbed to 35.7%
2012-07-20 12:16:01
This is the fifth month running that inflation expectation is above 30%, although there are some slight variations to that perception: while in Buenos Aires City it stands at 36%, in metropolitan Buenos Aires it is 35% and in the rest of Argentina climbs to 37%.
According to the replies from the interviews for the poll, for sectors with lower purchasing power the inflation rate expectation is 37.9% while on the opposite, the high income bracket the rate is 34.9%, said Guido Sanleris head of the UTDT research centre.
The official inflation for the last twelve months according to the government’s stats office, Indec, in June was 9.9%, but private estimates, an average of which is released by the Freedom of Expression committee from Congress indicated 23.9%.
The new salary contracts in Argentina are discussed from private inflation ratings and estimates since there are suspicions the official data from Indec is manipulated. A suspicion shared by the Argentine Judiciary and multilateral organizations such as the IMF and the World Bank.
The inflation expectations public opinion poll was done by consultants Poliarquía between July 2 and 10, and included 1.205 interviews covering the whole of Argentina.