'Cheese war' affects Ukrainian business plans - expert
2012-04-10 17:13:02
The 'Cheese war' has adversely affected the business plans of Ukrainian and foreign investors, at least in sectors that export their products to Russia, Ihor Bilous, co-director of Renaissance Capital in Central and Eastern Europe, said in an interview with the Kommersant Ukraine.
"A lot of projects are just frozen, even at the final stage. Nobody wants to invest in something that suddenly became very risky. We see a decline of interest in the industries, which only yesterday were attractive to investors," he said.
First of all, in his opinion, this concerns the sector of food and consumer goods.
As reported, Rospotrebnadzor found no evidence of palm oil use in the production of cheese at Hadiachsyr (Poltava region) during its inspection on March 27-28. The head of Rospotrebnadzor also said that the Ukrainian 'cheese problem' will be solved after meeting the Russian demands.