Rospotrebnadzor will visit Ukrainian cheese producers
2012-03-15 15:27:54
Rospotrebnadzor (Russian government product quality control agency) will visit Ukrainian companies which export their products to Russia.
According to the Ukrainian Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food, the inspections will start since March 19th, 2012. Milkiland group will have
inspection on March 26th, 2012 at Mena Cheese Plant. We would like to remind that there are several companies that were banned from Russian
market due to lack of compliance with the standards.
AgroInvest comment: We see this act as a complete formality since Russian experts have already visited Ukrainian companies for quality testing in
the end of the previous year. Political reasons that sand behind this issue are tightly connected with Russia’s intention to overtake Ukrainian gas
transit system, which so far was not successful.