Astarta released preliminary unaudited results for 2011
2012-02-27 12:32:11
Astarta holding released preliminary results for 2012 which indicate positive performance of the company. Key results included: revenue growth by
46% to UAH 4.300 M; gross profit increase by 45% to UAH 1.400 M: EBITDA increase by 19% to UAH 1.250 M. Landbank of the company
increased by 16.5% to 245 K ha of arable land. Astarta produced 370 K tons of white sugar taking 16% share of the domestic market.
AgroInvest comment: Company is aiming to continue growth and improvement over the next year. Given the fact that the company already
attracted USD 12.21 M this month we expect further increase of the company’s land bank and potential acquisitions of smaller companies.