Ukraine. 3.5 million tons of sunflower oil to be produced in 2012 - agriculture ministry
2012-02-23 15:52:39
In 2012, Ukraine plans to produce 3.5 million tons of sunflower oil, of which 3 million tons for export, Minister of Agricultural Policy and Food of Ukraine Mykola Prysiazhniuk told a briefing at the Cabinet of Ministers.
"With regard to sunflower crop, there is no doubt that we will provide ourselves with sunflower oil and products from sunflower. We plan to produce 3.5 million tons of oil; of course, this is our inner potential," the Minister said.
He noted that domestic oil consumption is 650 thousand tons. About 3 million tons must be exported to foreign markets.
As Prysiazhniuk previously stated, this marketing year it is expected to produce 3.35 million tons of sunflower oil.