State budget revenues from agroindustrial complex reach UAH 40.1 billion in 2011 - Agrarian Policy and Food Ministry
2012-02-13 11:34:27
Last year, a part of revenues to the state budget from agroindustrial enterprises increased to UAH 40.1 billion (USD 1/ UAH 7.99), director of department for development of agrarian markets at the Agrarian Policy and Food Ministry Serhiy Kvasha has said.
"Gross production of agricultural products in Ukraine in 2011 made up UAH 118.1 billion, out of these, UAH 75.2 billion fell on plant growing," the official noted.
According to him, total production of grain and leguminous cultures in 2011 made up UAH 56.7 million (144.3% against 2010). Out of this volume, 22.3 million tons fell on wheat (132.4%), corn - 9.1 million tons (107.2%), corn - 22.8 million tons.