Ukraine. Yield 56.7 million tons in 2011 -- State Statistics Service
2012-01-17 12:55:17
Ukrainian economies of all categories in 2011 received 56.7 million tons in clean weight, out of these, bread-corn - 23.7 million tons (42%), fodder grain - 33 million tons (58%), the State Statistics Service informs.
As compared to 2010, grain production grew by 44.3%, which was predetermined both by expansion of the harvesting area (by 738,600 ha or by 5.1%) and an increase of the yield of grain cultures (by 10.1 centners from one ha or by 37.5%).
For the yield of 2011, agrarian cultures were sown on 27.7 million ha, including by agricultural enterprises - 19.5 million ha (70.4%), household economies - 8.2 million ha (29.6%). As compared with 2010, total area under crops increased by 719,900 ha (+2.7%).
Agricultural enterprises produced 44.2 million tons of grain (78% of total gross yield), household economies - 12.5 million tons (22%). The yield of grain cultures at agrarian enterprises (39.0/ one ha) is higher against household economies, by 7.6 centners.